Lowongan kerja baru: PT Cipta Krida Bahari

Lowongan kerja baru: PT Cipta Krida Bahari

PT. Cipta Krida Bahari merupakan Perusahaan Logistik Regional yang sedang melakukan ekspansi ke bidang Oil & Gas, saat ini sedang membutuhkan Tenaga Kerja Kontrak untuk penempatan di COPI Grissik.

Berikut posisi dan kualifikasi yang kami butuhkan :

Site Manager
Min. Requirement :

1. Minimum D.3 and relevant with this project
2. 6 years experience in similar lifting equipment operation and maintenance
3. Able to communicate fluently in written and verbal English
4. Familiar with crane and lifting procedure such as Indonesia Migas Regulation, LOLER, ANSI, API, ASME, DNV 27.1
5. Pass from technical test and interview with Company Representative

Lifting Supervisor
Min. Requirement :

1. Bachelor Degree (S1) or Diploma III (D3) or Senior High School
2. 3 years experience (S1) or 5 years experience (D3) or 7 years experience (Senior High School) in lifting oil and gas industry, lifting construction or similar
3. Understanding safety regulation and standard for crane and lifting activity in oil and gas company
4. Able to Manage and monitor of unit lifting equipment and manpower crew lifting for execution the lifting activity with safely and timely manner
5. Able to Control and monitor lifting equipment inspection and maintenance program
6. Able to read and implement the lifting/rigging plan at site
7. Able to communicate in written and verbal English language.
8. Able to manage crane and rigger for execution the lifting activity with safely and timely manner
9. Familiar with crane and lifting procedure such as Indonesia Migas Regulation, LOLER, ANSI, API, ASME, DNV 27.1
10. Pass from technical test and interview with Company Representative or Company Lifting Expert

Min. Certification :
- BNSP (Badan Nasional Sertifikasi Profesi)
- Migas Certificate (Rigger Migas Certificate)

Min. Requirement :
1. Minimum Senior High School with 5 years experience in similar position; or
2. Minimum D3 with 3 years experience in similar position
3. Understanding of safety regulation and standard in oil and gas company
4. Pass from technical test and interview with Company Representative or Company Lifting Expert
5. Familiar with crane and lifting procedure such as Indonesia Migas Regulation, LOLER, ANSI, API, ASME, DNV 27.1.
6. Understand regarding inspection and maintenance of lifting gear.

Min. Certification :
- BNSP (Badan Nasional Sertifikasi Profesi)
- Migas Certificate (Rigger Migas Certificate)

Crane Operator
Min. Requirement :

1. Minimum Senior High School with 5 years experience in similar position; or
2. Minimum D3 with 3 years experience in similar position
3. Understanding of safety regulation and standard in oil and gas company
4. Pass from technical test and interview with Company Representative or Company Lifting Expert
5. Familiar with crane and lifting procedure such as Indonesia Migas Regulation, LOLER, ANSI, API, ASME, DNV 27.1.
6. Understand regarding inspection and maintenance of lifting gear.

Min. Certification :
- BNSP (Badan Nasional Sertifikasi Profesi)
- Migas Certificate (Rigger Migas Certificate)

Rigger Drafter
Min. Requirement :

1. Minimum Senior High School with 5 years experience in similar position; or
2. Minimum D3 with 3 years experience in similar position
3. Understanding of safety regulation and standard in oil and gas company
4. Pass from technical test and interview with Company Representative or Company Lifting Expert
5. Familiar with crane and lifting procedure such as Indonesia Migas Regulation, LOLER, ANSI, API, ASME, DNV 27.1.
6. Familiar and able generate lifting plan with Autocad program
7. Familiar and able operate MS Word and Excell program
8. Understand to develop Job Safety analysis by coordination with other lifting crew
9. Understand regarding inspection and maintenance of lifting gear

Min. Certification :
- BNSP (Badan Nasional Sertifikasi Profesi)
- Migas Certificate (Rigger Migas Certificate)

Safety Inspector
Min. Requirement :
1. Minimum Senior High School
2. 10 years experience in similar position
3. Understanding safety regulation and standard for crane and lifting activity in oil and gas company
4. Able to communicate fluently in written and verbal English
5. Familiar with crane and lifting procedure such as LOLER, ANSI, API, ASME, DNV 27.1
6. Pass from technical test and interview with Company Representative or Company Lifting Expert

Min. Certification :
- K3L Migas Certificate

Mechanic Technician
Min. Requirement :

1. Bachelor Degree (S1) or Diploma III (D3) with preferred major in mechanical engineering or Senior High School
2. 3 years experience (S1) or 4 years experience (D3), or 5 years experience (Senior High School) in similar position
3. Expert in repair and maintenance for lifting equipment
4. Able to perform Preventive and Corrective Maintenance
5. Understanding of safety regulation and standard in oil and gas company
6. Pass from technical test and interview with Company Representative or Company Lifting Expert

Min. Certification :
- BNSP (Badan Nasional Sertifikasi Profesi)
- Migas Certificate (Rigger Migas Certificate

Electrical Technician
Min. Requirement :
1. Bachelor Degree (S1) or Diploma III (D3) with preferred major in electrical engineering or Senior High School
2. 3 years experience (S1) or 4 years experience (D3), or 5 years experience (Senior High School) in similar position
3. Expert in repair and maintenance for lifting equipment
4. Able to perform Preventive and Corrective Maintenance
5. Understanding of Safety regulation and standard in oil and gas company
6. Pass from technical test and interview with Company Representative or Company Lifting Expert

Min. Certification :
- BNSP (Badan Nasional Sertifikasi Profesi)
- Migas Certificate (Rigger Migas Certificate

Syarat-syarat yang perlu dilengkapi :
1. Curriculum Vitae (CV)
2. Copy KTP
3. Copy Sertifikat (sesuai posisi yang dilamar)
4. Copy ijazah pendidikan terakhir

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